Hosted Amongst the Tribesmen: a Descriptive, if not Humorous, Anecdotal Recollection (Part Three)

Under the tree were a small group of wazee (“wah-zay,” that is, older men). They were sitting around in a circle as we shared with them. One man gazed intensely through his glassy cataract-covered eyes. His forehead was covered with so many wrinkles it looked like a topographical map. We sat with the men as […]

Healing is not Your Job (Healing School 12)

God is sovereign. It’s one of the most comforting and most fearful aspects of our faith. It’s comforting for us to realize God’s will is going to get done, whether we succeed or fail. On the other hand, it’s discomforting to think that we can do everything we want or think we have to do, […]

Let’s Jump Right In – The Spiritual History of Atlanta, Part I

History of Atlanta: Moundbuilder Native Americans descended to the Creeks, who inhabited the area near present-day Atlanta. Their village was named Standing Peachtree and was, in the 1820s, the western edge of America’s frontier. They ceded the land to the heavy-handed American government and were largely eliminated from the area via the Trail of Tears. […]