We’ve now had several weeks of what is probably the most intense military action in the nation of Israel in my lifetime. It has been complete with sudden attacks, harsh reprisals, hostages, and thousands of civilian casualties, which have resulted in protests around the world and the mobilization of numerous militaries. In other nations far […]
Author: Grant
Sound of Freedom – Reaction

It’s time for God’s people once again to be at the forefront of bringing justice to the oppressed. This gripping narrative shows how it takes a team to do so.
India now World’s most Populous Country (& What it Means for the Church)

Population estimates project India will pass China as the world’s most populous country sometime this summer with about 1.4286 billion people. Of course, these are the experts’ best guesses. Without exact census data, it’s possible India already has. The international community has seen this coming for a long time. China, which for long has dominated […]
Where’s the harvest? Why aren’t we going there?

Where should we be sending the laborers? First, let’s look at where in the world the majority of the people are. Here’s a map showing the world based population density, that is, how many people live per square mile (or kilometer, as most of the world measures). Let’s divide it roughly into three sections. In […]
Good News to the ____ (pt. 5): The Giving Question

As the lives of those who are poor are difficult, so too, is ministering among them. It carries with it numbers and levels of challenges. You never can address spiritual needs in a vacuum (and that’s not bad news because Jesus courageously engaged people’s needs). Ministering among poor communities, it won’t be long before you […]
Good News to the _____ (pt. 4): We’re Broken, Too

There is a distinct danger when seeking to help others. Working among those who are materially poor, especially for ministers who also carry the Good News, carries with it a hidden, insidious temptation…
Good News the _____ pt. 3: Stories

Globally, glass ceilings are more the norm than exception, and I might even say most of those ceilings are bronze, whether we would like to admit it or not.
Good News to the ____ (pt. 2)

So what does the gospel have to say about ministering to the poor? Quite a lot, actually. The Good News doesn’t only have a brain; it has arms and legs. It’s time for believers to embrace even the inconvenient parts of what Jesus said. If we don’t, it can have real, eternal ramifications.
Proclaim Good News to the _________?

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the lost.” One word has been changed in this quote from Jesus. Can you find which one it is? It may cause a shift in the way you look at Christ’s Kingdom. It has for me.
Prayer: 2 Sides

Prayer can be approached one of two ways. In the first, we bring our troubles and problems to God. We wheel our dumpster of issues up to his throne and unpack the problems one by one, laying them at his feet. I’ve done this so, so often. This is not to say there isn’t value […]
Staring Evil in the Face, Helping One Without a Voice

I’ve heard it said before that if you want to know what your calling is, look to the area where you feel the deep pain of injustice in your heart. Where is your burden? What moves you? Together as we follow Christ, we are finding a clear picture of what his will is for us—-specifically […]
Children & C in Psychology (my story, pt. 4)

(This short series, previewing my upcoming book, talks about how God changed the trajectory of my life during my college years. Earlier entries are:Your “Success” – NOT God’s Plan? (my story)800 Youth in Wild Friendship with God (my story, pt. 2)Pulled into the Wilderness (my story, pt. 3) So it was, that while Jesus grew […]