As the lives of those who are poor are difficult, so too, is ministering among them. It carries with it numbers and levels of challenges. You never can address spiritual needs in a vacuum (and that’s not bad news because Jesus courageously engaged people’s needs). Ministering among poor communities, it won’t be long before you […]
Good News to the ____ (pt. 2)

So what does the gospel have to say about ministering to the poor? Quite a lot, actually. The Good News doesn’t only have a brain; it has arms and legs. It’s time for believers to embrace even the inconvenient parts of what Jesus said. If we don’t, it can have real, eternal ramifications.
Proclaim Good News to the _________?

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the lost.” One word has been changed in this quote from Jesus. Can you find which one it is? It may cause a shift in the way you look at Christ’s Kingdom. It has for me.
Prayer: 2 Sides

Prayer can be approached one of two ways. In the first, we bring our troubles and problems to God. We wheel our dumpster of issues up to his throne and unpack the problems one by one, laying them at his feet. I’ve done this so, so often. This is not to say there isn’t value […]
Staring Evil in the Face, Helping One Without a Voice

I’ve heard it said before that if you want to know what your calling is, look to the area where you feel the deep pain of injustice in your heart. Where is your burden? What moves you? Together as we follow Christ, we are finding a clear picture of what his will is for us—-specifically […]
Pulled into the Wilderness (my story, pt. 3)

What’s the evidence of the work of God in someone’s life? For the demoniac of Gadera, it was that he was clothed and in his right mind. For John the Baptist, it was that the heir of the high priest chose to live in the desert with honey and locusts in his scraggly beard. God’s glory can be displayed in the chaotic becoming decent as well as the polished going wild. In college, my sanctification mean going outside the four walls of my room and looking into the full moon. It was trading my prayer closet for a prayer pasture. It meant becoming less civilized, not more.
Rescue the Church from Consumerism

I’m concerned that it’s all too easy for us to go to church week after week and do much more to consolidate our wealth and influence than to bring the gospel to those who are hurting, broken, and look different than us.
Process: “An Inconvenience Rightly Considered”

I woke from my nap feeling groggy, yet doing my best to “honor the Sabbath day to keep it holy” (of course, holy meaning other and set apart). In this case, it had been a thoroughly exhausting week capped by a 13-hour day the preceding day. After watching a couple of YouTube videos, I realized […]
Guest Post: “The Death Clock” by Stephen Garner

This blog was originally posted on my father’s blog, It’s not like I am in a hurry for 2020 to end but, I got a head-start on my New Year’s resolutions recently. I read a preview from an upcoming book called, Win The Day, by Mark Batterson. Not only did it whet my appetite […]
Avoid the Top 4 Prayer Ruts!

Over the past two decades, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my prayer life, and the Lord has taught me so much that can help you avoid getting in a rut. Doing prayer too formally. “Most Gracious Lord, I pray Thou hearken unto us…” Yes, of course, God is worthy of respect, but your […]
You are a Miracle (even by Scientific Standards)

If we consider the absurdly specific details, all of which had to be lined up perfectly, in order for you to have been born and exist, on this planet, as you are… it’s breathtaking. Solar System Earth is not just a rock in space. Far from it; this rock is very special. It’s 93million miles […]
Pentecost? Why? 3 Reasons (pt. 3) – Healing

Over the last two posts, we talked about a couple different purposes of the Pentecostal outpouring: the sharing of the gospel and the unity of the diverse body of believers. Today, we reflect on a third purpose: the release of power for signs, wonders, and miracles. Acts 3:1-8One day Peter and John were going up […]