We’ve now had several weeks of what is probably the most intense military action in the nation of Israel in my lifetime. It has been complete with sudden attacks, harsh reprisals, hostages, and thousands of civilian casualties, which have resulted in protests around the world and the mobilization of numerous militaries. In other nations far […]
India now World’s most Populous Country (& What it Means for the Church)

Population estimates project India will pass China as the world’s most populous country sometime this summer with about 1.4286 billion people. Of course, these are the experts’ best guesses. Without exact census data, it’s possible India already has. The international community has seen this coming for a long time. China, which for long has dominated […]
Where’s the harvest? Why aren’t we going there?

Where should we be sending the laborers? First, let’s look at where in the world the majority of the people are. Here’s a map showing the world based population density, that is, how many people live per square mile (or kilometer, as most of the world measures). Let’s divide it roughly into three sections. In […]
Good News to the _____ (pt. 4): We’re Broken, Too

There is a distinct danger when seeking to help others. Working among those who are materially poor, especially for ministers who also carry the Good News, carries with it a hidden, insidious temptation…
Good News the _____ pt. 3: Stories

Globally, glass ceilings are more the norm than exception, and I might even say most of those ceilings are bronze, whether we would like to admit it or not.
Guest Post from Dad: “420 OK Mountain Getaway”

Yesterday was April 20, or 4/20. It almost slipped by me without me realizing this was a day celebrated by many people as a Worldwide Weed Day. As I noted the date on my computer’s calendar, I contemplated the significance of the day. I smiled as I remembered an adventure before the adventure just a […]
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Why You Don’t Pray: 4 Truths You’ve Forgotten/Missed

Would you like to have a better prayer life? Do you need motivation to carve out time against your maxed-out, packed-out schedule? Here’s four scriptural reasons to keep first things first in your relationship with God. 1. It’s the most important question When the disciples of Jesus saw his miracles, they had only one question. […]
Process through Your Heartache WITH God: 4 Steps

What do you do when life knocks the breath out of you? How do you handle heartache and discouragement? I’ve dealt with low-level chronic pain for more than a decade. Rather than ignoring the pain, do what I learned. Process through the pain with God. 1. Tantrum – This first step may surprise you. Whether […]
Hosted Amongst the Tribesmen: a Descriptive, if not Humorous, Anecdotal Recollection (Part Four)

– I wish you could be standing here with me right now. I’m far outside any signal that my cell phone could pick up, where a dirt opening before me stretches with a few trees, and then behind me lies a community of manyattas. This particular community is called Tubcha 3, where we don’t know […]
Hosted Amongst the Tribesmen: a Descriptive, if not Humorous, Anecdotal Recollection (Part Three)

Under the tree were a small group of wazee (“wah-zay,” that is, older men). They were sitting around in a circle as we shared with them. One man gazed intensely through his glassy cataract-covered eyes. His forehead was covered with so many wrinkles it looked like a topographical map. We sat with the men as […]
A Guy’s Take: Beauty is a Choice

I am going to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. Just watch me. Who is it, you may ask? Well, I can’t tell you. Why? Because I don’t know who it is. How can I be so confident I’ll get such a beautiful woman? Now that is something I can tell you. First, […]
Tend the Seed (Healing School 10)
I heard a thought-provoking sermon by Kris Vallotton recently regarding God’s promises and miracles. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 He argues the reason that desire fulfilled is a tree of life is because the promise comes in the form of a seed–one which […]