12:30 This is a rare treat but a real challenge. The next intercession set is led by some of the Borana students in the school of Ministry. This is extraordinary because, even a generation ago, the tribe was almost entirely Muslim. Now, close to 10% of them are followers of Jesus, which, in sociological terms, […]
The Wrestle and the Gaze (East Africa pt. 3)

Living overseas has a way of making you quit pretending… …and, honestly, I’ve been struggling with my faith for several years. What follows is like a journal entry about wrestling with my faith as well as the sweet way the Father is meeting me where I am. Over the past several years, living in Atlanta, […]
Wake Up Call (East Africa pt. 1)

I was awoken this morning by the howling of roosters all over town. Did I mention the walls have absolutely no sound proofing here? With four concrete walls and a concrete floor, no alarm clock is needed. Amidst the din of rooster calls, I faintly discerned a man’s voice over a loudspeaker in the distance. […]