Name the five biggest tech companies in America. Most of you can probably do it. Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google, and, at least at this point, Netflix. What do they all have in common? What makes them so influential, powerful, and, for many of us, indispensable? What can we learn from these millennial trends? It’s not […]
24/7 prayer
Billy Humphrey’s 4 Meditation Keys (pt. 1)

February 12, 2006. I’m posting on the 14th anniversary of this date. Why do I bring it up? Not because I was a fashion-challenged, hopelessly nerdy high school junior at the time! It’s the day that International House of Prayer-Atlanta began its 24/7 worship. Since then, thousands of musicians and prayer warriors alike have joined […]
Worship & Your New Prayer-adigm // 1

Bill Johnson said, “If you gave me one hour to pray, I would spend 45 minutes of it in praise and thanksgiving.” Posture is all-important in prayer! Always begin with praise. The paradoxical thing is that a good prayer meeting can’t start with prayer; has to begin with worship. Psalms 100:4 Enter his gates with […]
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Why You Don’t Pray: 4 Truths You’ve Forgotten/Missed

Would you like to have a better prayer life? Do you need motivation to carve out time against your maxed-out, packed-out schedule? Here’s four scriptural reasons to keep first things first in your relationship with God. 1. It’s the most important question When the disciples of Jesus saw his miracles, they had only one question. […]
Wake Up Call (East Africa pt. 1)

I was awoken this morning by the howling of roosters all over town. Did I mention the walls have absolutely no sound proofing here? With four concrete walls and a concrete floor, no alarm clock is needed. Amidst the din of rooster calls, I faintly discerned a man’s voice over a loudspeaker in the distance. […]