Over the last two posts, we talked about a couple different purposes of the Pentecostal outpouring: the sharing of the gospel and the unity of the diverse body of believers. Today, we reflect on a third purpose: the release of power for signs, wonders, and miracles. Acts 3:1-8One day Peter and John were going up […]
How to Pray Away Fear and Timidity (from my book, Your Will Be Done)

I looked around the restaurant, and my attention was drawn to a South Asian man with a cushioned neck brace. Somehow, I immediately knew that I was to pray for him, and no, it was not from the comfort of my own seat…
Tears that Touch God // 3

How often do we coldly entreat God, “Fix it! Fix it!” His reply is, “Feel it! Feel it!” If your prayer doesn’t move you, it certainly won’t move God. I remember it vividly. About a decade ago I was several years into my struggle with the chronic pain in my legs that limited my physical […]
Today is the Day for your Miracle: 3 Reasons

1. The example of Jesus. The book of Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Colossians 1:15 says, “He is the image of the invisible God….” The Greek word […]
“Provoked” (Healing pt 13) // A Day in the Life

I’ve been provoked. I’m angry. I have a righteous indignation. It all started in one of the city’s many malls the other day. I was getting another charger for my cell phone (hopefully one that won’t break this time) and some groceries. As I finished, I was walking toward the taxi line to head back […]
Tend the Seed (Healing School 10)
I heard a thought-provoking sermon by Kris Vallotton recently regarding God’s promises and miracles. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 He argues the reason that desire fulfilled is a tree of life is because the promise comes in the form of a seed–one which […]
Prisoner of Hope (Healing School 5)
The first pale crack of sunlight peaks through iron bars. Your roll over and brush off the smudge of mud and dirt on your elbow, rising up to a sitting position. The air is stale and quiet. There was evening, and there was morning. The 1442nd day. Three – going on four – years you […]
7 Pets: A Story about Living with Intermittent Chronic Pain
Rev. John Watson famously wrote in the late 1800s: “Be pitiful [compassionate], for every man is fighting a hard battle.” This post is a little bit about my battle. First, I call this series Healing School, not Pain School, because the main thrust is not to describe the nature of my pain to you. Even […]