If we consider the absurdly specific details, all of which had to be lined up perfectly, in order for you to have been born and exist, on this planet, as you are… it’s breathtaking. Solar System Earth is not just a rock in space. Far from it; this rock is very special. It’s 93million miles […]
Facebook, Google, God, & Gates

Name the five biggest tech companies in America. Most of you can probably do it. Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google, and, at least at this point, Netflix. What do they all have in common? What makes them so influential, powerful, and, for many of us, indispensable? What can we learn from these millennial trends? It’s not […]
The Roaring 20s 2.0: Thoughts about 2020 and a New Decade (Guest post by Stephen Garner)

Almost 100 years ago, the world, and especially America, experienced an exciting economic boom. Everything seemed possible through the new modern technologies, such as the automobile, movies, radio, the telephone, TVs and airplanes. Society broke with many long-held traditions and embraced great change. The popular TV show and movie, Downton Abbey, helped many of us […]
The Synergy of Praying Together // 4

A few days ago I was sitting in the living room, having my personal quiet time with God. My roommate walked unannounced and said, “Hey let’s pray for T______ and his team.” He wasn’t even part of either of our organizations; nevertheless we spent the next five minutes in prayer. At the end, I was […]
- Inspiration
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My Story: A Surprise Proposal at the Georgian Terrace Hotel

Cultural expectations these days are tougher to meet than ever. Imagine the pressure on young guys to create a proposal event for their ladies that is at once memorable, thoughtful, and grandiose. Now imagine what it would take to make it a surprise to her. Now… try doing it from 7,800 miles away in the […]
Today is the Day for your Miracle: 3 Reasons

1. The example of Jesus. The book of Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. Colossians 1:15 says, “He is the image of the invisible God….” The Greek word […]
Two Secular Trends You Should Practice as a Christian

1. Minimalism – (https://www.becomingminimalist.com/what-is-minimalism/) Minimalism takes the focus away from what we have and puts it on the meaning that we get from the things we do have. Pastor and conference speaker Louie Giglio once joked, “Is there anything in the world more anti-Jesus than a storage unit?” (Don’t get offended—I said joked!) Seriously, no […]
“Provoked” (Healing pt 13) // A Day in the Life

I’ve been provoked. I’m angry. I have a righteous indignation. It all started in one of the city’s many malls the other day. I was getting another charger for my cell phone (hopefully one that won’t break this time) and some groceries. As I finished, I was walking toward the taxi line to head back […]
Guest Post: “How I Became A Hiker Dude” by Stephen Garner

It is my great pleasure to feature Stephen Garner for the first time. I hope you enjoy my father’s unique blend of biblical insights, illuminating anecdotes, and punny repartée. Our numerous hikes together over the past decade have then a powerful connecting force during my young adult years. Read more of his work at https://hikerdude.wordpress.com/. […]
Three Guaranteed Steps to Know God’s Plan for Your Life

Have you found God’s plan for your life? Wouldn’t it be nice if every one of us got a letter in the mail when we were 17 years old telling us exactly what we were made to do? I definitely did not, yet the journey has been both winding and incredibly satisfying. I hate to […]
My Favorite Promises from God’s Word, pt. 1

These were all reader submissions. Thanks for contributing! May they deepen your faith and expand your prayer life. Presence Isaiah 54:10 “For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken,” says the Lord who has […]