“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the lost.” One word has been changed in this quote from Jesus. Can you find which one it is? It may cause a shift in the way you look at Christ’s Kingdom. It has for me.
800 Youth in Wild Friendship with God (my story, pt. 2)

American evangelical Christianity hasn’t historically emphasized pilgrimages. It’s a practice as distant from the minds of young Christians as the far-off places that men in shaved heads and sandals visit. But the Ramp somehow felt like a pilgrimage–and I don’t know if anything could have prepared me for what I experienced at that radical ministry in an otherwise unassuming corner of rural Alabama.
Your “Success” – NOT God’s Plan? (my story)

I still remember getting the acceptance letter to the Georgia Institute of Technology. The large envelope’s black and yellow facade shone like a golden ticket. Known as the foremost engineering school in the state, it was the natural next step in the plan I had for my life. The vision from my childhood was becoming […]
Rescue the Church from Consumerism

I’m concerned that it’s all too easy for us to go to church week after week and do much more to consolidate our wealth and influence than to bring the gospel to those who are hurting, broken, and look different than us.
Process: “An Inconvenience Rightly Considered”

I woke from my nap feeling groggy, yet doing my best to “honor the Sabbath day to keep it holy” (of course, holy meaning other and set apart). In this case, it had been a thoroughly exhausting week capped by a 13-hour day the preceding day. After watching a couple of YouTube videos, I realized […]
You are a Miracle (even by Scientific Standards)

If we consider the absurdly specific details, all of which had to be lined up perfectly, in order for you to have been born and exist, on this planet, as you are… it’s breathtaking. Solar System Earth is not just a rock in space. Far from it; this rock is very special. It’s 93million miles […]
How to Pray Away Fear and Timidity (from my book, Your Will Be Done)

I looked around the restaurant, and my attention was drawn to a South Asian man with a cushioned neck brace. Somehow, I immediately knew that I was to pray for him, and no, it was not from the comfort of my own seat…
The Roaring 20s 2.0: Thoughts about 2020 and a New Decade (Guest post by Stephen Garner)

Almost 100 years ago, the world, and especially America, experienced an exciting economic boom. Everything seemed possible through the new modern technologies, such as the automobile, movies, radio, the telephone, TVs and airplanes. Society broke with many long-held traditions and embraced great change. The popular TV show and movie, Downton Abbey, helped many of us […]